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Visual Loop

2D Animation

Beat - Goodnight

Music : Summer \ Visual : Summer

About Goodnight

人在被情緒包圍的時候,好像不會想聽到加油或是辛苦了。在這種時候 ,讓對方知道你在就可以了,即便什麼都不說。因為很多情緒也不是說了什麼就能化解的,終究還是只能當事人自己去處理和消化。不過我很喜歡聽不用擔心和沒關係 。

When surrounded by emotions, it seems one wouldn't want to hear words of encouragement or expressions of difficulty. In such times, just letting the other person know you're there is enough, even if nothing is said. Because many emotions can't be resolved by mere words; ultimately, it's up to the individual to handle and process them. However, I really appreciate hearing "don't worry" and "it's okay."