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Film Edit

Visual Loop

2D Animation

Beat - Dissociative

Music : Summer \ Visual : Summer \ AI Tool : Kaiber ,

About Dissociative

重複,然後不斷分裂。以為是曼德拉效應,或是平行時空。不過不管哪個都是有趣的。 因為感到開心,所以做了這樣的選擇,就像記憶拼圖那樣。那麼,接下來要去哪裡呢?

Repetition, and then continuous fragmentation. Thought it might be the Mandela Effect, or perhaps a parallel universe. Regardless of which, it's all quite intriguing. Fueled by joy, I made this choice, much like completing a puzzle of memories. So, where to next?